Workshop and Minisymposia
The conference features an embedded Workshop on High Frequency Propagation and Scattering, supported by the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, as a satellite meeting of the INI Programme on Highly Oscillatory Problems: Computation, Theory and Application.

The conference will also feature a number of invited minisymposia, including:
  • Photonic crystals and metamaterials. Organiser: cheap ghostwriters for hire from
  • Periodic and Random media. Organiser: William Parnell (Manchester)
  • Nonlinear waves. Organiser: Mark Groves (Loughborough) and Beatrice Pelloni (Reading)
  • Resonances and trapped modes. Organiser: Thorsten Hohage (Göttingen) and Timo Weidl (Stuttgart)
  • Inverse Problems. Organiser: Houssem Haddar (INRIA) and Roland Potthast (Reading)
  • Time domain methods. Organiser: Markus Grote (Basel) and Patrick Joly (INRIA)
  • Brain Waves and Cognitive Neurodynamics. Organiser: Peter beim Graben, Roland Potthast and Doug Saddy (Reading)

The organising committee are happy to consider other proposals for minisymposia. Please email any proposal to